IBM Support

TEP JWS client is loading an old version and not the ITM version installed on TEPS server

Technical Blog Post


TEP JWS client is loading an old version and not the ITM version installed on TEPS server


It may happen that when you try to open the TEP JWS client it tries to load an old version and not the ITM version installed on TEPS server (eg client open 630fp5 vs TEPS 630fp7).

There are only two possible reasons why the version of the TEP JWS client being reported is different from what you expect:
1) The TEP JWS jar files located on the TEPS are associated with the wrong ITM release,
2) The TEP JWS jar files being loaded by Java Web Start are being retrieved from a local jar cache where the jar files are associated with the wrong ITM release.

Problem Determination:

1) To rule out #1 above, you can dump out the version and build level of the primary jar files used by the TEP JWS client. All of the jar files are located in the following directory on the TEPS machine:

      Launch a command window on the TEPS machine as root, and issue the following commands
      cd /opt/IBM/TEPS/ITM/aix536/cw/classes  
      /opt/IBM/ITM/JRE/aix513/bin/java -jar cnp.jar      <-capture the output from this command  
      /opt/IBM/ITM/JRE/aix513/bin/java -jar kjrall.jar    <-capture the output from this command  
The output from the java command(s) above should report the CMVC release, build date, and build id associated with these jar files.  If the release information is incorrect, then the wrong version of the TEP JWS and browser client has been installed on the TEPS.

2) To rule out #2 above, use the following procedure:

      a) Launch a command prompt on the TEP JWS client machine.
      b) Issue the following commands:
            cd <jre_home>\bin       <--the <jre_home> directory should correspond to the version of Java being used by the customer to execute the TEP JWS client
            javaws -uninstall       <--this command will clear the jar cache maintained by this version of java
            javaws https://<teps_hostname>:15201/tep.jnlp    <-- launch the TEP JWS client from the command-line.
      c)  Once the TEP is up-and-running, select the Help --> About menu action to see what release level the TEP is reporting.



Hope this helps




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