IBM Support

Summarized data missing - table exceeded limit

Technical Blog Post


Summarized data missing - table exceeded limit



Summarized data missing - table exceeded limit

This is a issue we see quite a lot, it can be that it is reported that the data is not seen on the TEPS, or the TCR reports are showing no data.

There can be a number of different reasons for data not being summarized, but here we will presume the following:

1) Other agents are showing summarized data or have showed data in the past for this attribute.  
2) Other attributes for this agent are showing summarized data.

By presuming the above, it shows that historical data collection has been set for the agent and data is being collected for the agent.

Next check if there is non summarized data over 24 hours old showing in the TEPS for the agent and the attribute.
Note: you have to look for data over 24 hours old as it is only then that data from the warehouse is used.  

If there is data then  this points to an issue with the summarization it self.

Review the latest  *sy_java_*-0n.log  file fin the logs directory where the S&P agent is running.

Check this file for any SQLException errors.

In the latest case seen the error was:
== 249 t=work1 WORK0010 thread=work1 table=Transaction_Instances
== 250 t=work1 work1 - Examining table : (Transaction_Instances)
== 251 t=work1 SQL IN ERROR : statement name     : Transaction_Instances_H.Alt1
  SQL                : ALTER TABLE "DB2INST1"."Transaction_Instances_H"
ADD "AVG_Initial_Time_Deviation" DECIMAL (31, 2)
  template SQL       :
== 252 t=work1 SQLException occured. SQL State = 54010 , SQL Error Code
= -670
== 253 t=work1 The row length of the table exceeded a limit of "4005" bytes. (Table space "USERSPACE1".).
SQLCODE=-670, SQLSTATE=54010, DRIVER=3.63.123


This error is indicating that the table in the warehouse is not set at the correct size for the data that is trying to be inserted.

It was found that the agent in this case had been upgraded.

As part of the upgrade some of the attributes had been changed and so the tables needed to be updated.

When an agent is installed or upgraded then scripts may be  supplied to create or update the tables, if there has been any changes to the attributes.

For example here is the link to the steps in the Unix Users guide to set up or update the tables:

Any upgrade of the agent should provide in the README,   details of the scripts needed to update the warehouse tables if needed..

In this case;  the agent was UX at 6.3 FP05 but the scripts had not been provide. 

These scripts are now provided in 6.3.0-TIV-ITM-FP0007 and interim fix  These can be downloaded from Fix Central.

Using the steps in the Users Guide for the agent;  run the scripts provided to update the tables.  

It is recommended to run all the scripts, even if the attribute is not collected at the moment, it may need to be collected in the future and  this way you will be ready to go.

Once the scripts are run; remember to leave time for at least one summarization run to take place before checks are made for the data.
Note: by default summarization and pruning is run at 02:00 once a day.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"","label":""},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSTFXA","label":"Tivoli Monitoring"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

