IBM Support

DB2 Agent attribute "Days_since_last_backup" is not sent to Object Server

Technical Blog Post


DB2 Agent attribute "Days_since_last_backup" is not sent to Object Server


On my environment, ITM was configured to send through EIF the situation events for attribute group Database01 (belonging to DB2 Agent) to the object server (Omnibus/Netcool).

In this blog I'm focusing on a situation that fires when the number of Days since last backup exceeds 3.
The event that arrives to Omnibus actually contains all the expected information but one: the value of Days Since Last Backup.

Looking at the event that arrived on EIF Probe side, we can actually notice that the value for Days_since_last_backup is only mentioned within the msg slot:


msg='lastbkp_sit1[(days_since_last_backup<>No_Backup AND days_since_last_backup>=3 ) ON db2inst1:db2serv1:UD ON XXXX (days_since_last_backup=10 )]';


but there is no single slot for days_since_last_backup.

This means that ITM is actually not sending it.

In order to have this additional slot, we need to use EIF Slot Customization for the situation, in order to map the attribute "Days_Since_Last_Backup" with the specific slot.


The first step is to add KUD_Base class in the list of available Event classes for TEPS, otherwise the class ITM_KUD_DB2_Database01 will not be showed in the EIF Slot Customization panel.

We must follow the instruction on this technote to run the TEDGEN and update the xml file containing the class definitions for TEPS.


Once we have the KUD_Base, we can map the attribute Days_Since_Last_Backup using class ITM_KUD_DB2_Database01 with the related slot, as follow:



We may need to perform is one additional step to have it working.
By default, the file that is used on probe side has the rows for days_since_last_backup commented out.
It looks like:


<!-- days_since_last_backup    KUD_DB2_Database01.days_since_last_backup -->


We need to search for this row into the file and change it to:


<slot slotName="days_since_last_backup">
        <mappedAttribute name="KUD_DB2_Database01.days_since_last_backup"/>

Attention: There are two attribute groups where "Days since last backup" is defined: KUDDBASEGROUP01 and KUD_DB2_Database01.
We must be sure we perform the required change on the second one (KUD_DB2_Database01).

Having in place all the above changes, we need to run a


"tacmd refreshTECinfo  -t all"


to be sure they are picked up by TEMS without recycling it.

Next time the situation fires, the event generated will include the wanted Days_Since_Last_Backup slot.


Hope it helps



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