IBM Support

SAP Agent and SAP System number

Technical Blog Post


SAP Agent and SAP System number


A common error I saw with SAP Agent configuration deals with the system number of the target SAP system.
A wrong system number leads to communication problems, that are highlighted in the SAP Agent logs by the
following messages:

+58D8E541.002B LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode  
+58D8E541.002B ERROR       partner '' not reached  
+58D8E541.002B TIME        Mon Mar 29 16:21:54 2017  
+58D8E541.002B RELEASE     721  
+58D8E541.002B COMPONENT   NI (network interface)  
+58D8E541.002B VERSION     40  
+58D8E541.002B RC          -10  
+58D8E541.002B MODULE      nixxi.cpp  
+58D8E541.002B LINE        3283  
+58D8E541.002B DETAIL      NiPConnect2:  
+58D8E541.002B SYSTEM CALL connect  
+58D8E541.002B ERRNO       111  
+58D8E541.002B ERRNO TEXT  Connection refused  
+58D8E541.002B COUNTER     6  
The connection refused (errno 111) message is not issued by application, it belongs to
transport layer.
The agent node is not able to reach the SAP system host at the specified port.  

If we look at the listening port (netstat) on the SAP system, we can see that port 3300 does not exist.  
Likely there is another port opened by SAP for external communication.
For example we might have port 3301 belonging to SAP.
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     126096  /tmp/.sapstream3301  
How does the SAP system number play a role in this scenario ?

The SAP port used by the agent, as per SAP rule, are built using the prefix "33" plus the SAP system number.
If we configure SAP agent with SAP system number 00, it expects to connect SAP system using port 3300.
If the SAP system is configured with a different SAP system number, for example 01, then port 3300 will not be
available, there will be instead port 3301.

So in this case we should:  
1) Confirm with SAP system administrator the SAP System number is not 00 and get from them the correct System number.
2) Reconfigure the agent providing the correct sap system number (for example "01").  
3) Restart the agent after having completed the reconfiguration.  
This will fix the communication issue.

Hope it helps


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