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KUIEXC100E tacmd executecommand stops working after upgrade.

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KUIEXC100E tacmd executecommand stops working after upgrade.



KUIEXC100E tacmd executecommand stops working after upgrade.

After an upgrade the tacmd executecommand command gives the following message:


KUIEXC401I: The remote command was successfully executed with command return value 0, but the response file cannot be retrieved.

The remote response file was not available for download, or something went wrong during download.

The next message and the kuiras1.log file might provide more information about this error. If you require further assistance
resolving the error, contact IBM Software Support.

KUIEXC100E: Request Error.

An unexpected request error occurred while performing the executecommand command.

The kuiras1.log file might provide more information about this error.
If you require further assistance resolving the error, contact IBM Software Support


Review the kuiras1.log  for messages like:

 GetFile failed retrieving the output file. Status <0x1C010003> remote file
convertKT1ErrCode") KT1 not deployed

There can be a number of issues that can cause this message but areas to check are:

1)  There was an issue with older versions of ITM 6.22 and ITCAM on windows, causing a dll to be overwritten but this tends to be after an ITCAM upgrade

2) The attribute  KT1_TEMS_SECURE MUST be set to Y on all TEMS in the environment.
In the ms.config there are two lines:

# set KT1_TEMS_SECURE to YES if you want to enable tacmd get/put/execute

After an upgrade ( the example was from a version of 6.23 to 6.3 FP07) the RTEMS configurations no longer had this value set to YES.  Reconfigure the TEMS to change.

3) In the ms.config file on the RTEMS check thethe library path is correct:

An example of an incorrect value is:


the /opt/IBM/ITM/tmaitm6/lx8263/ is still set to the 32 bit version rather than the 64 bit version  It should be set to  /opt/IBM/ITM/tmaitm6/lx8266/

Also check the  file  kmsenv  in the directory  <install directory>/config/.ConfigData to see what is set against the tems name.

An incorrect example is:

<tems name> |ARCHITECTURE|tmaitm6/lx8263|

where it should be :

<tems name>|ARCHITECTURE|tmaitm6/lx8266|

This is solved by a reconfiguration of the RTEMS, taking all the default settings (no need to make any changes).

This resets the kmsenv file correctly and that then produces the correct values in the ms.config.

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