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Issues with agents showing correctly in TEPS.

Technical Blog Post


Issues with agents showing correctly in TEPS.



Issues with agents not showing correctly in TEPS.

This explains some cases of correcting how an agent has shown up in the TEPS.

The first was an issue where the agent had not connected to the RTEMS with the expected ip address.

This was due to the agent having multiple network interfaces, the customer needed to set the KDEB_INTERFACELIST to correct interface.

This is explained in the Technote:  ITM Interface Configuration Guide

However once this is done the problem still seemed to be there, what was missed was rediscovering the agent.

This is done by :
1) Stop the agent.
2) When it is reported off_line on the TEPS, open the Managed System Status workspace, select the agent and clear offline entry
3) Confirm agent no longer listed on TEPS and then restart the agent.

The second case was an agent with a sub name like '78::VVR' instead of showing as 78:production:VVR.

The name was only wrong in the Navigator view, all the other views showed the agent name correctly, including the output of tacmd listsystems.

This is important as this shows that the TEMS had the agent registered with the correct name.

The steps to rediscover the agent (as listed above) were tried but still there was no change.

It was then seen that there were a number of different logical views.

These views were all checked and the issue was that the agent had been renamed in one of those views.
The agent had to be stopped and removed from all the views.  It was then rediscovered and showed correctly in the navigator views.

So the main conclusion is remember if you want to change name or ip address of an agent, once the change has been done the agent needs to be completely cleared from the system to allow it to be rediscovered.

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