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ITM Linux OS on Ubuntu 14.05 and 16.04 LTS - Remote Deployment

Technical Blog Post


ITM Linux OS on Ubuntu 14.05 and 16.04 LTS - Remote Deployment


With ITM 6.30.07 the support for the Monitoring Agents (OS, Agentless)  for Linux OS on Ubuntu 14.05 and 16.04 LTS was added.

Ubuntu works with "administrator" ID for remote login  and then switch with "su" to the root user .                            

Unfortunately there are not information how it's possible to install an Linux OS agent on Ubuntu by Remote Deployment.

The installation of  a Linux OS agent on  a remote Linux Ubuntu system using the remote deployment is the same like the remote installation on other Linux distributions.

1)  add the LZ lx8266 binaries (6.30.6 from the full bundle image +  6.30.7) into the ITM depot.                                             


                    ./tacmd addBundles -i /tmp/Y/6.3.0-TIV-ITM_TMV-Agents-FP0006/unix -t lz -p lx8266

                   ./tacmd addBundles -i /tmp/Y/6.3.0-TIV-ITM_TMV-Agents-FP0007/unix -t lz -p lx8266


2a)  on the Ubuntu veriy Bash and KSH is installed, if not                 
                      sudo apt install ksh                                                  

 2b)   modify on Ubuntu  the sshd_config                                                   
                       cd /etc/ssh/                                                          
                      sudo vi sshd_config

         uncomment and add a new line like the following


          #PermitRootLogin without-password                               
          PermitRootLogin yes  

2c) restart the sshd                                                              
                    service ssh restart                                                
2d)   set root password:                                                      
                   sudo passwd                                                         
        sudo service ssh reload                                             
3)  try to connect to the Ubuntu host like: "ssh <hostname or Ipaddress>"  or "ssh root@<hostname or Ipaddress>"

4)  install the LZ agent e.g.                                             
       ./tacmd createnode -h ITM630ubu -u root -w **** -p  SERVER=ITM630HUBJ  PROTOCOL1=IP.SPIPE "                                                    
    !  the command with an administrative user like "Mike"  will fail, because the remote root access is necessary like other Linux distributions.  !



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