IBM Support

How to exclude classes from being monitored using the excludes.xml file.

Technical Blog Post


How to exclude classes from being monitored using the excludes.xml file.


There may be times when you will need to exclude certain classes for instrumentation from your Request.  For example, you may need to be certain that your Request doesn't get re-formatted when sent to another server, say an authentication server for processing.   Here's how you can go about doing this.

1) Your first step is to do preweaving and postweaving, and then look at the preweave and postweave directories, and output logs.  This way, you can see the exact classes being used.

2) Next you will need to edit the configuration file {DC_home}/runtime/{app_server_version.node_name.server_name}/custom/ and add this line to the file:


3) Create or modify the file excludes.xml in the same custom directory ({DC_home}/runtime/{app_server_version.node_name.server_name}/custom) with the following content.  (Note that this is just an example, replace the exclude lines shown below with your classes you want to exclude from step 1 above).


















4) .Restart your configured JVM/server.   Then check the excluded classes results from the logs and verify they're being excluded.

Good luck. Smile

Noel Lewis

ITCAM / APM / ICAM L2 Support team


Tutorials Point


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