IBM Support

How to check the version or level of your APM Server.

Technical Blog Post


How to check the version or level of your APM Server.


If you are using APM 8.1.3, it comes in 4 different offerings.   Please see this link for details:  .   The APM 8.1.3 IBM Monitoring offering corresponds to the Cloud APM 8.1.4 Base offering and the other three 8.1.3 offerings were merged into the Cloud APM 8.1.4 Advanced offering.  

The Application Performance Management Advanced is the most comprehensive offering, the one that includes all agents. Application Performance Management is a subset of the Advanced offering. Monitoring is a subset of Application Performance Management. And Application Diagnostics contains some agents that overlap with the other offerings and some that are unique to Diagnostics.

There are 2 ways to tell what exact version of APM you have:

  • Look in your $APM_HOME/licenses/ipm_apm_advanced/English.txt  file.  Open the file and look at the license information at the top of the file.
  • You can also look at your APM Server install log in the $APM_HOME/ccm/logs/apm-server-install_<date_time>.log logfile.  This file will give you the server version towards the top of the file.  Look for the keyword smaiVersion at the top.   Right after this line, you will find a line "Do you accept the license agreement(s)...."   This line will tell you the version and license_type_offering specific to your environment.

Good luck. Smile

Noel Lewis

ITCAM / APM L2 Support team


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