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How Exchange agent v6.x evaluates Server Status

Technical Blog Post


How Exchange agent v6.x evaluates Server Status


Exchange agent populates Server Status attribute based on configured services in 2nd tab of agent configuration window.


Exchange agent documentation states:

Server Status The status of the MS Exchange server. The value format is a 4-byte integer. The following values are possible:

External valueInternal value

The tables below identify the default Windows services that must be running for the Server Status attribute to return an Up or Down state. These are the default Windows services unless they are configured through the agent configuration.


When you are configuring Exchange services in agent configuration window you must be careful that you configure only service which are available for Exchange server Role installed. If you configure service which is not available or started on local machine EX agent will populate attribute as Down. On below url you can find which services are available for each Exchange server version and role installed. You can also see which services are treated as default services in case you do not configure any service through the agent configuration. See Server Status attribute description:


In below example I will show how Server Status attribute is populated on EX agent v6.3x monitoring Exchange server 2007.

EX agent monitoring Exchange server with Mailbox Role installed. I have configured only Exchange Active Directory Topology (MSExchangeADTopology) service as relevant for Server Status Up/Down state.
































TEP result:


If I stop this service TEP console will show attribute populated as down:


TEP result:





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