


{Solution name}
{Optional subhead to briefly intro how to solve the issue the page addresses}
{Primary action}

{Page description from IA: [Solution topic] solutions include [types of products, services, etc.] to [enable][specific capabilities].}

{Optional subsection headline}

{After the wiki-description, start a new paragraph that, first, describes the client challenge in one or two sentences, illuminating the primary pain point while identifying with the target audience's current mental model.

Then, hint at the new way of doing things that the solution offers. Highlight what makes the the IBM solution special compared to peers—be specific and consider this structure: This IBM [differentiated solution type] delivers [value] using [product feature] or [service capability]. Next, elaborate on additional differentiators and any technical ways the solution provides value and uniquely solves the client problem. Include IBM’s unique POV.

Break the copy into multiple paragraphs or subsections, if needed, to improve readability. Include inline links to helpful solution-related assets to build on information throughout the page.}

{Official name of the featured product OR news/promo callout}
{Optional heading} {Title of and link to a highly valuable asset not elsewhere on the page OR news/promo callout} {Title of and link to a highly valuable asset not elsewhere on the page OR news/promo callout}
{Summarize one solution benefit}

{In each headline, state an advantage gained from using the solution. What business challenge or pain point does it solve? If the benefit could apply to any solution, make it more specific.}

{Optional descriptive link}
{Summarize one solution benefit}

{In the description, expand on each headline. What business outcome will the solution deliver? How? What is the special differentiator that allows the benefit to happen?}

{Optional descriptive link}
{Summarize one solution benefit}

{It's not enough to say a solution has a benefit: provide concrete technical evidence. Use statistics if they are compelling, have a reliable source and directly support a point.}

{Optional descriptive link}


{The headline above should describe the section items, such as “Products.” Don’t use “Solutions” because the whole page is about solutions. Don’t use “Services” because they have their own section. This component is best for featuring an individual product or highlighting a product family and linking to the product family page. Here, describe the overall benefits of the product(s) mentioned in this section.}

{Provide compelling information about the product/product family link below and how it relates to the solution topic} {Tease an insight to come}


{Product name}

{Product name}

{Product name}

{Spec name}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec name}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec name}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}

{Spec details for product}




{Product name(s)}


{Describe the applications or benefits related to this type}


{Describe the applications or benefits related to this type}


{Describe the applications or benefits related to this type}


{Describe the applications or benefits related to this type}


{The headline above should describe the section items, such as “Products.” Don’t use “Solutions” because the whole page is about solutions. Don’t use “Services” because they have their own section. Here, briefly introduce the overall benefits of the products.}

{Descriptive subsection headline}

{Break this complex narrative component section up into multiple subsections if it helps to organize the content. Here, continue summarizing the product benefits, which can be organized according to subsection themes. Use inline links as needed.}

{Descriptive subsection headline}

{Break this complex narrative component section up into multiple subsections if it helps to organize the content. Here, continue summarizing the product benefits, which can be organized according to subsection themes. Use inline links as needed.}

{Official name of the featured product OR news/promo callout}
{Optional heading} {Official product name OR news/promo callout} {Official product name OR news/promo callout}

{The headline above should describe the section items, “Products.” Don’t use “Solutions” because the whole page is about solutions. Don’t use “Services” because they have their own section. This section intro is optional. Avoid marketing fluff.}

{Official product name}

{In the item description, make the product’s tie to the solution topic abundantly clear. Start the description with a verb to keep it active.}

{Official product name}

{Describe the product in terms of what it allows the client to technically do. Make sure the copy for each description is the same length.}

{Official product name}

{If there’s room, mention product technology or benefits that are key to the content already discussed elsewhere on the page so the page feels cohesive.}


{Optional intro section can summarize services. Avoid marketing fluff.}

{Service name}

{In the item description, make the service’s tie to the solution topic abundantly clear. Start the description with a verb to keep it active.}

{Service name}

{Describe the service in terms of what its capabilities allow the client to do. How does the service help clients achieve goals? Make each description the same length.}

{Service name}

{Mention service capabilities or benefits that are key to the solution content already discussed elsewhere on the page so the page feels cohesive.}


{Use the section intro to summarize the services and overall benefits. Avoid marketing fluff.}

{Descriptive subsection headline}

{Break this complex narrative component up into multiple subsections if it helps to organize the content. Here, continue summarizing the service benefits, which can be organized according to subsection themes. Use inline links as needed.}

{Descriptive subsection headline}

{Break this complex narrative component up into multiple subsections if it helps to organize the content. Here, continue summarizing the service benefits, which can be organized according to subsection themes. Use inline links as needed.}

{Official name of the featured service OR news callout}
{Optional heading} {Official service name OR news callout} {Official service name OR news callout}

Use cases

{Use case tab label} {Use case tab label} {Use case tab label}
Use cases {Use case name}

{There are three approaches for use case names: An active, benefit-oriented label starting with a verb (“Reduce security risks”); an adjective-noun benefit label...}

{Optional link}
{Use case name}

{...(“Predictive incident management”); and a noun label about an area of the business aided by the product (“Customer support”). Be consistent with...}

{Optional link}
{Use case name}

{...headline formats on a single page. In the body copy, expand on the use case name with details about how it works. Name specific features or capabilities used.}

{Optional link}
{Use case name}

{As space allows, briefly describe how the use case alleviates pain points and achieves specific client goals. Use cases can include industry-specific content.}

{Optional link}
{Use case name}

{You may include an optional text link below the body copy to a full use case page, demo, etc. Provide compelling information to inspire readers to click.}

{Optional link}
{Use case name}

{Be as specific as possible in the text CTA to meet accessibility requirements (for example, “Watch data modernization boost engagement 50% (00:00)”).}

{Optional link}
{Pull a great quote from a client story not elsewhere on the page about how product helped. The more conversational, the better.} {Name goes here} {Role goes here} {Company goes here} {Tease a specific result or outcome because there's plenty of space}

{Optional section intro can summarize resources. Avoid marketing fluff.}

{Resource title}

{If the resource title is too long or not descriptive enough, write a short headline in sentence case that better summarizes it. Try to use the same format for all resource headlines in this section.}

{Resource title}

{In the body copy, describe the resource in terms of what the client gets. Make it clear how the resource relates to the solution. Start with a verb ("Explore," "Discover," "Watch," etc.)}

{Resource title}

{Include more details as space allows. Make sure the copy for each item description in the section is the same length. Each resource link should lead directly to the resource.}

Related solutions {Solution name}

{Describe the related solution. Make it clear how it’s related to the solution discussed on the page. Highlight client benefits that would inspire readers to click. Be specific about related product technologies or service capabilities involved.}

{Solution name}

{Describe the related solution. Make it clear how it’s related to the solution discussed on the page. Highlight client benefits that would inspire readers to click. Be specific about related product technologies or service capabilities involved.}

{Solution name}

{Describe the related solution. Make it clear how it’s related to the solution discussed on the page. Highlight client benefits that would inspire readers to click. Be specific about related product technologies or service capabilities involved.}

Take the next step

{Be as specific as possible about the value gained from the CTA button(s). Ex: “Schedule a free [solution topic] workshop or book a meeting with an IBM expert to discover how we can customize solutions for your specific business needs.” If buttons were used in the leadspace, use the same ones here.}

{Schedule a free workshop} {Book a meeting}

{1 Report title, Publisher, XX Month XXXX}