Products and prices displayed on this page are for reference only and do not represent the current availability or price of these products. The list of current IBM products and prices is available on the IBM GSA IT Schedule details page.
Hardware price list
Upgrade Paths
01/24/2020 (PDF, 424KB)
02/27/2019 (PDF, 707KB)
09/13/2018 (PDF, 707KB)
01/18/2018 (PDF, 180KB)
03/13/2017 (PDF, 203KB)
10/03/2016 (PDF, 248KB)
08/26/2016 (PDF, 78KB)
05/12/2016 (PDF, 227KB)
01/27/2017 (PDF, 7.5KB)
07/13/2016 (PDF, 1.5MB)
IBM Cloud for Government - IaaS offering (SIN 132-40)
Software as a Service SaaS (Sin 132.40)
Software price list
All Other Software
Passport Advantage Software
System z (Mainframe) Software Price List
Software maintenance for Power and System i
IT professional services - SIN 132-51
Service offerings - SIN 132-51
Cybersecurity labor - SIN 132-45
Health IT Rates - SIN 132-56
Annual maintenance prices
Monthly maintenance prices
Media Retention Maintenance Prices