Hiring tutorial > Create the user interface >

In this lesson, you create the coach view that displays person data, such as name and pay level.

This lesson is similar to the previous lesson. It provides the information you need to construct the coach view but does not provide the detailed steps. For detailed steps, see Create the coach view for position request data.


  1. Create a coach view and name it Person CV.
  2. Bind the view to business data:
    1. Select the Variables tab.
    2. Add the Person variable as the business data variable and set its type to the Person business object.
  3. Click the Layout tab and then, from the palette, add a panel to the layout canvas and rename it to Person data.
  4. Drop the following controls onto the Drop additional content here area of the Person data section.
    • Text control
    • Text control
    • Text control
    • Text Area control
  5. Edit the properties of the first text control:
    Property Value
    General > Label Given name
    General > Binding Person.firstName
  6. Edit the properties of the second text control:
    Property Value
    General > Label Family name
    General > Binding Person.lastName
  7. Edit the properties of the third text control:
    Property Value
    General > Label Manager
    General > Binding Person.supervisor
  8. Edit the properties of the text area control:
    Property Value
    General > Label Comments
    General > Binding Person.notes
  9. Save your work.


You created the Person CV coach view.

In the next lesson, you create the Create Position Request CSHS human service.

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