Price Change(s):Selected IBM software products (OTC)

Announcement Number:320-005

Announcement Date:Sep 10 2019

Effective Date:Jan 01 2020


Today, IBM® announces increases in one-time charges (OTC) and annual license charges (ALC) on selected IBM z Systems software products.

Increased one-time charges will be effective January 1, 2020. Such increases, however, will not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before January 1, 2020, and which are either shipped on or before April 1, 2020 or, for additional licenses, have an effective date of on or before April 1, 2020.

The increased annual charges will be effective with the billing period that starts on or after January 1, 2020.

State and local government customers: You will receive the more favorable of the following two provisions:

Increased one-time charges will be effective January 1, 2020. Such increases, however, will not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before January 1, 2020, and which are either shipped on or before April 1, 2020 or, for additional licenses, have an effective date of on or before April 1, 2020.

The increased one-time charges do not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before January 1, 2020, and which are either shipped on or before the estimated shipment date in effect on January 1, 2020, or, for additional licenses, have an effective date that was in effect on January 1, 2020.

The new annual charges will be effective at the beginning of your fiscal year that starts on or after January 1, 2020.

For licensed programs or additional licenses eligible for discounting under an existing IBM volume commitment or special bid, the respective price protection provisions apply.

Should you require additional information, please contact your IBM representative.

Price increases for the following programs will be approximately 4% depending on the features selected.

Product Number(s)

Program and Program Name

5601B28 CL/SS for z/OS V2

5655AB1 Integration Bus V10

5655AB2 Integ Bus Std V10

5655ADV WMQ Advanced z/OS

5655AM9 MQ AMS for z/OS V9

5655AMS Websphere AMS for z/OS

5655AV1 MQ Advanced for z/OS VUE

5655AV2 MQ Adv for z/OS VUE S&S

5655AV9 MQ Advanced for z/OS V9

5655CE3 z/OS Connect EE V3

5655CE4 z/OS Connect EE S&S v1.1

5655DS5 IMS Database VUE V15

5655DSE IMS Database VUE V14

5655DSR IMS Database VUE S&S

5655EPL Enterprise PL/I VUE for z/OS

5655EPS Enterprise PL/I VUE z/OS S&S

5655F81 WebSphere Support S&S

5655I59 WBI Message Broker z/OS S&S

5655IBB Integration Bus V9

5655IBC Integ Bus Std  z/OS

5655IBD Integ Bus Std z/OS S&S

5655ILH ODM for z/OS S&S

5655M70 CICS Transaction Gateway S&S

5655MF9 MQ MFT for z/OS V9

5655MFT Websphere MFT for z/OS

5655N02 WebSphere for z/OS

5655P03 IS Guardium Data Encryption

5655P04 IS Guardium Data Encrypt S&S

5655P05 CL/Supersession for z/OS

5655P06 CL/Supersession for z/OS S&S

5655R16 WebSphere ESB for z/OS S&S

5655R41 WS Serv Reg & Rep'tory, V6

5655R42 WS Service Registry S&S

5655ST9 Guardium S-TAP for IMS

5655STN Guardium S-TAP IMS z/OS S&S

5655STQ Guardium S-TAP for DB2

5655STR Guardium S-TAP for DB2 z/OS

5655STW Guardium S-TAP for DSets S&S


5655STZ Guardium S-TAP Data Sets


5655TM3 IMS TM VUE V14


5655TM4 IMS TM VUE V15


5655U25 Multi-site Wkld Lifeline S&S

5655U80 WS MQ FTE for z/OS V7

5655U81 WS MQ FTE for z/OS - S&S

5655UM4 Multi-site Workload

5655V60 WebSphere Msg Broker V7

5655V62 WAS XD Compute Grid for z/OS

5655V63 WAS XD Compute Grid z/OS S&S

5655V64 WebSphere Virtual Enterprise

5655V65 WebSp Virtual Enterprise S&S

5655V66 WebSphere eXtreme Scale z/OS

5655V67 WebSphere eXtreme Scale S&S


5655VU8 WMQ for z/OS VUE V8

5655VU9 MQ for z/OS VUE V9

5655VX8 WebSphere eXtreme Scale V8

5655W09 WebSphere ESB for z/OS ALT

5655W09 WebSphere ESB for z/OS V7

5655W17 WebSphere Ser Reg & Rep V7.0

5655W50 WebSphere MQ Adv Msg Sec v7

5655W5S WS MQ Adv Msg Sec zOS S&S

5655W65 WebSphere for z/OS

5655W98 WMQ Advanced Edition zOS

5655W99 WMQ Advanced Edition S&S

5655WAS WebSphere for z/OS V9

5655Y08 ODM Advanced for z/OS S&S

5655Y08 WODM for z/OS S&S



5655Y20 CICS TG for z/OS

5655Y31 ODM for z/OS

5697ECS Enterprise COBOL VUE z S&S

5697ECV Enterprise COBOL VUE z/OS V5

5697K16 Guardium S-TAP for DB2 S&S

5697N29 DB2 8 for z/OS VUE

5697P11 Db2 for z/OS VUE S&S

5697P12 DB2 9 for z/OS VUE

5697P12 QMF Enterprise Edit 10 for Db2 V9

5697P31 DB2 10 for z/OS VUE

5697P31 QMF Classic Edition V10 for DB2 V10

5697P31 QMF Classic Edition V11 for Db2 V10

5697P31 QMF Enterprise Ed V10 for DB2 V10

5697P31 QMF Enterprise Ed V11 for Db2 V10

5697P35 Tiv Adv Allocation Mgmt z/OS

5697P43 Db2 11 for z/OS VUE

5697P43 QMF Classic Ed V11

5697P43 QMF Enterprise Ed V11

5697P44 WebSphere Msg Broker V8

5697V61 Enterprise COBOL VUE z/OS V6

5698ABF Z APM Connect V5

5698ABG Z APM Connect S&S

5698B35 SKLM for z/OS

5698B42 SKLM for Storage

5698BMP Tiv NetView Mon for GDPS

5698BMQ Tiv NetView Mon for GDPS S&S

5698R33 SKLM for Storage S&S

5698R38 SKLM for z/OS S&S

5698S62 Tiv Allocation Optimizer S&S



5770AF3 Db2 12 for z/OS VUE

Affected Countries:

These price changes are applicable in the following countries:

American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands

Marketing Action Required

Review these changes with affected customers as appropriate. Update outstanding quotations, bids, and proposals, along with any related financial analyses, and notify customers accordingly.

Customer Letter Section



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Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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