Price Change(s):ANS: Watson Campaign Automation SMS Pricing Updates

Announcement Number:318-119

Announcement Date:Jun 19 2018

Effective Date:Jun 19 2018


Today, IBM® announces price changes on selected part numbers for Watson Campaign Automation SMS. The new prices will be effective on June 19, 2018.

Marketing Channels

· IBM Business Partner -- Distributors for Workstation Software

· IBM Business Partner -- Resellers for Workstation Software

Affected Countries:

These price changes are globally applicable.

Customer Letter Section



IBM and IBM Partner World are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Additional Information/Attachments

PRICES If prices are provided in this announcement, they are provided for your information only. Dealer prices may vary, and prices may also vary by country. Prices are subject to change without notice. For additional information and current prices, contact your local IBM representative.
List of Price ChangesSMS_June_Release_Price_Action_060418.xlsx