Price Change(s):DB2 Management Solution Pack S&S Price Increase

Announcement Number:317-068
Announcement Date:Mar 15 2017
Effective Date:Jul 01 2017


Today, IBM® announces increases in purchase prices on B2 Management Solution Pack S&S.
The new, higher purchase prices are effective July 01, 2017.

Affected Countries:

These price changes are applicable in the following countries:
American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, United States

Marketing Action Required

Review these changes with affected customers as appropriate. Update outstanding quotations, bids and proposals, along with any related financial analyses, and notify customers accordingly.
The Notice to IBM Customers included in this announcement has not been mailed directly to IBM customers. It may be printed and given to customers affected by this announcement, as you deem appropriate.

Customer Letter Section



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Additional Information/Attachments

Today, IBM announces increases in one-time charges (OTC) and annual license charges (ALC) on selected IBM z Systems software products. Increased one-time charges will be effective July 1, 2017. Such increases, however, will not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before July 1, 2017, and which are either shipped on or before October 1, 2017 or, for additional licenses, have an effective date of on or before October 1, 2017. The increased annual charges will be effective with the billing period that starts on or after July 1, 2017. State and local government customers: You will receive the more favorable of the following two provisions: · Increased one-time charges will be effective July 1, 2017. Such increases, however, will not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before July 1, 2017, and which are either shipped on or before October 1, 2017 or, for additional licenses, have an effective date of on or before October 1, 2017. · The increased one-time charges do not apply to licensed programs for which your order was received by IBM before July 1, 2017, and which are either shipped on or before the estimated shipment date in effect on July 1, 2017, or, for additional licenses, have an effective date that was in effect on July 1, 2017. The new annual charges will be effective at the beginning of your fiscal year that starts on or after July 1, 2017. For licensed programs or additional licenses eligible for discounting under an existing IBM volume commitment or special bid, the respective price protection provisions apply. Should you require additional information, please contact your IBM representative. Price increases for the following programs will be approximately 5% depending on the features selected. Program Number Description 5655MSS DB2 Management Solution Pack for zOS, S&S
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