Price Change(s):COS 3403 Model Price Action

Announcement Number:316-206
Announcement Date:Nov 29 2016
Effective Date:Nov 29 2016


Today, IBM® announces decreases in purchase prices on COS 3403 Model.
The new, lower purchase prices are effective November 29, 2016.

Product Number(s)

attached xcel file

Affected Countries:

These price changes are applicable in the following countries:

Marketing Action Required

Review these changes with affected customers as appropriate. Update outstanding quotations, bids and proposals, along with any related financial analyses, and notify customers accordingly.

Volume discounts Products acquired under an existing IBM volume commitment will receive the applicable discounts based on the new, lower price. The products must have a Date of Installation of on or after November 29, 2016.

Customer Letter Section



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Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Additional Information/Attachments

Price Protection provisions for products are stated in the IBM Business Partner Agreement. Authorized Business Partners must certify their inventory by completing and submitting to IBM the Inventory Certification form. To access this form, do the following: 1. Using an Internet browser, access PartnerWorld® via: 2. Sign in by entering your IBM ID and password. 3. Under "Hardware and Services resellers," select the form called "Inventory Certification / Price Reduction Credits (CERTIFY)." Credits for eligible products will be issued after review and verification of the completed Inventory Certification form.
List of Price ChangesPA_3403_Nov_2016.xlsx