Price Change(s): General Price Harmonization (GPH) for IBM Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express – Effective January 1, 2024.


Price change(s): General Price Harmonization (GPH) for IBM Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express – Effective January 1, 2024.

Announcement Letter Number: 324-653

Announcement Date: 2023-09-01

Effective Date: 2024-01-01


Effective January 1, 2024, IBM® is making modest price changes which will improve worldwide price harmonization across the software product portfolio.

Passport Advantage® Express Suggested Retail Prices (SRP) and Passport Advantage Suggested Volume Prices (SVP), as applicable, for the following categories of products, are included in this announcement:

o Passport Advantage Eligible Products from IBM Automation, IBM Data and AI, IBM Customer Care, IBM Security, IBM Sustainability Software, Transaction Processing Software and IBM Storage.

o Media and documentation packs associated with the Passport Advantage Eligible Products.

o Selected other non-Passport Advantage Products

For most products, the following price harmonization changes will apply:
6% increase Worldwide.

For a small number of products, price harmonization adjustments will deviate slightly from the assumptions above. In some cases there will be a higher price increase or a price reduction, but overall most of the price changes will not exceed plus or minus 5%.

For affected eligible products and their associated media and documentation packs, price harmonization changes are applicable for all eligible product offerings, including Software License and 12-months Software Subscription & Support (S&S), Software S&S Renewal, Software S&S Reinstatement, Trade up License, Monthly License, Subscription License, Support Options (Extended/Sustained/Advanced) and select Software as a Service (SaaS). Price changes are applicable for Software S&S Renewals pertaining to coverage period beginning on or after January 1, 2024, regardless of when payment is received.

Announced pricing will be available on September 1, 2023, from IBM or from your IBM Business Partner.

Affected countries

These price changes are globally applicable.

Business Partner information

If you are an IBM Business Partner acquiring products from IBM, you may link to Passport Advantage Online for resellers where you can obtain Business Partner pricing information.
An IBMid and password are required to access the IBM Passport Advantage or IBM PartnerPlus website.

Passport Advantage
For Passport Advantage information and charges, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner. Additional information is also available on the Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express website.


IBM and PartnerPortal are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Additional Information/Attachments

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DSW_PPA_Part_Numbers_for_2024_GPH v3.xlsxDSW_PPA_Part_Numbers_for_2024_GPH v3.xlsx