Knative on IBM Cloud

Build, deploy and run cloud-native, serverless applications on Kubernetes

Learn to install Knative Deploy apps with Knative
Bringing serverless workloads to Kubernetes

Knative, one of the newest and fastest growing open-source projects in the cloud-native landscape, extends Kubernetes with serverless capabilities and a simplified developer experience. It leverages the features of Kubernetes, but hides its complexities.

IBM, a founder and contributor to Knative, recently announced managed Knative support for the IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service offering, a managed add-on that integrates Knative and Istio into the cluster with one-click installation through the user interface (UI).

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Benefits of managed Knative on IBM Cloud Deploy natively to Kubernetes
Knative is built with the same patterns — controllers, API — kube-api, and infrastructure as Kubernetes. Install with one click.
Focus on the code
Knative removes the underlying details and complexities of building, deploying and managing an application.
Gain flexibility and control
Adopt open source-first technologies to run your workloads anywhere, on any cloud and on any Kubernetes-supported infrastructure.
How it works
A unified container-application platform Knative delivers an essential set of components, or primitives, that build on top of Kubernetes. The platform abstracts the complex details of combining different application types: 12-factor applications, containers and functions. Learn how it works
Knative components Two key primitives help you develop and manage the serverless applications in your Kubernetes cluster Serving

Serving provides scale-to-zero, request-driven compute functions — execution and scaling.


Eventing provides delivery and subscription mechanisms to build event-driven applications.


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Learn about the managed Istio add-on to the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

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