Case Studies
Analytics used to develop customer-centric solutions to strengthen competitive position
Anticipating an important shift in its competitive landscape, Vlaamse Vervoersmaatschappij De Lijn invested in modern systems like a ticketing and onboard computing system that will dramatically boost the collection of critical data about passengers, departure and arrival times, etc. But the volume of data promised to be exponentially more complex than the organization could effectively collect and analyze.
Using advanced analytics, the transit company can transform the pile of data generated by all these different systems into integrated insights which enable management to refine and optimize processes across the organisation.
The solution will speed querying and analysis dramatically, enabling the company to rapidly alter schedules and routes in to meet changing customer demands. The system is projected to reduce loading times by a factor of more than 3.5, making information available sooner to the business. And the system promises to help De Lijn to increase customer trust by creating precisely targeted offers that capitalize on real-time insight about customer travel patterns.
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