
Case Studies

Union Bank, N.A.

Union Bank, N.A.
The bank's ECM strategy evolves over 18 years from imaging and workflow to case management
Person retrieving money from his bank account
Business Challenge story

Union Bank, N.A. wanted to further increase responsiveness and reduce costs by continuing to evolve its ECM strategy begun in 1994 to eliminate paper-intensive manual processes.


The bank teamed with IBM Business Partner Pyramid Solutions, Inc. to extend existing IBM® FileNet® content management solutions with IBM Case Manager software.


By enabling business-driven use-case modeling and fostering reusability, Union Bank speeds deployment of process improvements, enterprise-wide

Now we can use a document to start a process and the IBM Case Manager workflow modeling capabilities put control in the hands of the business. Updating a business process rule, for example can be completed in three days instead of three months. Albert Pena Vice President of bank operations Union Bank

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