Case Studies
With an IBM Cloud Infrastructure hosting solution, AppLift serves up a data-driven platform to help app developers and publishers target the optimal user groups with their digital advertising and marketing efforts.
To extend its DataLift 360 ad placement offering to app developers and publishers worldwide, AppLift needed cloud hosting infrastructure designed for high-performance global delivery.
Provisioning hybrid cloud infrastructure that includes IBM Cloud Bare Metal and virtual resources, AppLift established a highly scalable environment for delivering its service to customers in virtually any location.
When it comes to winning customers and building a solid user base, today’s mobile app developers face fierce competition. To help businesses market their apps more easily and effectively, AppLift created a data-driven solution for targeted ad placement. “We offer a performance-based form of advertising,” says Tim Koschella, AppLift Chief Executive Officer and Cofounder. “We know a lot about what users do, and we use that data to place the right ads in front of the right users.”
To extend its DataLift 360 offering to app developers and publishers worldwide, AppLift needed cloud hosting infrastructure designed for high-performance global delivery. “Users that we serve ads to can be based anywhere in the world,” says Koschella. “To keep latency low and serve ads without delay, we need physical proximity wherever users are.”
An IBM Cloud hosting solution offered the powerful technology and global data center presence AppLift’s DataLift 360 platform required. Provisioning hybrid cloud infrastructure that includes IBM Cloud Bare Metal and virtual resources hosted in Hong Kong and Washington DC, the business established a highly scalable environment for delivering its service to customers in virtually any location worldwide.
“Our IBM Cloud Infrastructure is provisioned to store and process more than two billion user profiles,” says Koschella. “Essentially, that means we have the capacity to store and process data for every smartphone user in the world and leverage that data to inform ad placement decisions.”
With IBM Cloud technology hosting the DataLift 360 solution, AppLift has the power and performance its cornerstone offering demands and still maintains critical infrastructure flexibility. “We can turn servers on and off quickly,” says Koschella. “If we know we’ll have traffic peaks in advance or that we’re expanding our business, we can scale up. We can also flexibly scale back down.”
The company is positioned to scale for a massive amount of traffic—more than 1 million queries per second—while keeping overall costs low by paying for infrastructure as needed. “We can adjust our capacity on a monthly basis or in shorter iterations,” says Koschella. “We’re able to provide our services at a lower cost than other cloud-based competitors. That’s an important part of the IBM Cloud solution for us.”
A mobile ad technology company based in Berlin, Germany, AppLift helps advertisers manage each phase of the app marketing lifecycle, from launch to growth to ongoing customer retention. The company’s DataLift 360 solution provides a unified, data-driven platform designed to identity and target optimal user groups for ad campaigns across all key digital channels.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2017. IBM Cloud, New Orchard Road, Armonk, NY 10504
Produced in the United States of America, July 2017
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