Meet … Debora

Indeed, being part of the movement through which technology is changing the world was what I expected from working at IBM. Nonetheless, I was hired to solve a specific problem: a challenge by a client that I would be assigned to. With that in mind, I knew I would probably not be working on the […]

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IBM Netherlands and VU Amsterdam create education on Watson

On July 9-10, as part of the Big Data in Society summer school in Amsterdam , a two-day Watson Masterclass was given at the VU University Amsterdam. The course gave students insights into two particular Watson related topics: 1. The system that beat the top human contestants in the live US television show Jeopardy, and […]

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iX studio Groningen opening

by Tessa Mulder On the 23rd of June we officially opened our Interactive Experience Studio in Groningen, and quite spectacularly as well! With the studio fully up and running the IBM Services Center is becoming more versatile than ever. Buzzing with innovation, passion and the pioneering spirit of an entrepreneurial start-up, we can design, develop […]

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Take care!

Mentioning Mobile, most people tend to think of the pretty little devices they sometime use to make a phone call. And of course very right so. On the other hand, you see the introduction of many other mobile devices you can’t make a phone call with, even if you would like to. The most recent […]

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How can schools stand the test of time?

IBM’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs have a focus on the full range of education, from kindergarten through primary and secondary school up to vocational education and universities, even transition to IT careers and basic IT training for seniors are in scope. Education is important because it is essential to improve the quality of the society. […]

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Data, on the move…

We know it all, data is the new oil and what makes the world go round. We express the amount of  data in Bytes, and the prefix has gone up until Terra if we talk disk space in households and Peta in many companies. To put it in perspective: Terra is a 1 with 12 […]

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Eindelijk: e-mail opnieuw uitgevonden!

Lang, lang geleden werd e-mail uitgevonden om elkaar op eenvoudige wijze korte berichten te kunnen sturen. Korte vragen of brokjes informatie konden hiermee worden uitgewisseld. Sneller dan de post en gemakkelijker dan een fax of telegram. Maar de wereld veranderde en ergens ging het mis. E-mail is uitgegroeid tot een communicatiemiddel waarmee we elkaar kunnen […]

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The marketplace for new buyers

Born and raised in Amsterdam, I frequently visited markets. There are some very traditional markets like Albert Cuyp, were the local slang and dialect was and is very typical. In the early days my mother took me there to buy clothes, shoes etc. Later, when I was a student, to buy some cheap food (at […]

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Een digitale overheid stelt haar data open

Digitale diensten nemen een steeds belangrijker positie in ons leven in. Steeds meer commerciële producten en diensten zijn online snel en gemakkelijk verkrijgbaar. Om de concurrentie voor te blijven maken bedrijven de consument in toenemende mate tot het middelpunt van hun denken en doen. Zij proberen de behoeften van de consument steeds beter te doorgronden […]

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