
Your data protection investment for on-premise and cloud-hosted assets

Data security and backup is a hot topic, with many businesses now being driven by information. Services providers face a challenge in being up to speed in this area. Many organisations are considering backup solutions that can cover both on-premises technology and offsite cloud capabilities. IBM is leading the way in enterprise data protection with […]

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Turbocharge dine kunders svartider med IBM Flash – Test en uge uden beregning!

Leverer du også services til dine kunder hvor svar tiden er for langsom? Med IBM Flash tilbyder vi en revolutionerende ny og hurtig storage løsning til datacenteret, som gør op med det dilemma, hvor man er nødsaget til at købe mere disk kapacitet end man har behov for, for at kunne levere den fornødne performance, […]

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The future of your Cloud business – IBM Spectrum Storage

IBM Spectrum Storage™ boosts your Cloud business by unlocking the potential of data and increases agility and efficiency in ways that weren’t possible until now. Even with a limited budget, IBM Spectrum Storage can help you accelerate the growth of your Cloud business, cut costs and add significant new capabilities to your Cloud storage environments. […]

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Increase revenue, offer innovative services and be an industry leader

Increase revenue, offer innovative services and be an industry leader The demand for Managed and Cloud Services has peaked, creating increasing pressure for businesses to provide forward-thinking and innovative solutions that make them stand out from the competition and sustain profitability. Read this executive summary to discover how Cloud Storage Infrastructure can help you to […]

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Sikkerhed i skyen – Hvor hænger dine data i dag og i morgen?

Torsdag den 4. juni kl. 9.00 – 13.30 på Carlsberg Museum i København afholder B4Restore et arrangement, hvor emner som sikkerhed, compliance, persondata loven og hybrid cloud kan gå hånd i hånd og hvilke overvejelser virksomhederne bør tage. Til arrangementet er der indlæg fra både Kunden: Danske Commodities, Advokaten: Plesner, Revisoren: Verifica og Teknologipartneren: B4Restore […]

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Anmälan till IBM Storage Partner Update Sverige

För några månader sedan annonserades Spectrum Storage & ny generation Flash System. Under Edge2015 i Las Vegas kommer ännu fler nyheter! Ta del av det senaste från de bästa! Välkommen till Storage Partner Update i Stockholm den 26 maj 2015! När: 26 maj 2015, 08:30-12:00 Plats: IBM Kista Entré, Isafjordsgatan 1, Kista Anmäl er idag! […]

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