
GSE Nordic Region Conference 2019 – Registration is open

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It is time to register for the Annual GSE Nordic Region Mainframe Conference from June 11th to 13th at Hotel Comwell Aarhus in Denmark.

This year it is a 7 Track Conference covering Application Development, CICS, Db2, General Interest, IMS, Mainframe Infrastructure and an Extra/Student Track, where the students from various educational institutions are invited to learn about the Mainframe .

This year we have focused on themes like Product Updates, Continuous Delivery, Security, Agile Development, Performance and Best Practices.

There will be focus on good networking opportunities and many presentations brought to you by the best speakers that the industry can provide.

Learn more about GSE and see all the details where you can register as well. Click here.

The preliminary agenda is available for download.

See you in Aarhus June 11th – 13th 2019.

IBM Nordic GSE Liaison Officer

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