
10 Questions regarding SDG to the company’s management and board

We have all together manged to create the most serious sustainability deficit and our greatest challenge is the ecological debt – a dept which we are running up by overusing and depleting our natural resources and thereby threatening our ability to meet the needs of future generations.  Worldwide, the strains on key resources, from fresh […]

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How tech-enabled finance will accelerate the transition to net zero carbon emissions

On the path to global net zero carbon emissions, the finance industry is a key driver while technology is an enabler of sustainability. To make meaningful progress to mitigate climate change, the global finance industry needs technology to quantify climate risk and mobilise investments. Financiers also must adopt collaborative, secure and trusted data platforms, and […]

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Aqua farmers are giving back to the oceans – with technology

Our oceans sustain us. They give us oxygen and they capture carbon dioxide. They feed us and they provide a wage to 40 million people across the world. They bring us joy and they show us beauty. But we are not sustaining our oceans in return.  We are taking more from them than can be replenished. We […]

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Create a better world with a more fair and ethical AI

Just like electricity changed the last centuries for the better, AI will transform this era. AI can help society scale new heights – making us healthier, more prosperous and more sustainable. But as we celebrate and anticipate AI’s enormous potential for economic and social good, there are - as with any new wave of technology - questions and concerns.

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Disrupt your industry with a circular business strategy

Many companies have all the customer instruments in place that is needed to transform their business to a circular business model in my opinion. It is therefore a question of reorganizing the customer instruments, to reap the savings circular modelling represents.

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Blockchain collaboration in the food industry

The IBM Food Trust is now making the first Swedish blockchain beer available, in which the entire production process can be verified and tracked. The production is by Ängöl brewery and the project Helt Spårat has been possible through the traceability integrator Foodchain by Blockchain and the trading platform Skira.

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The Latest Insights on Digital Technology and the Environment

Big data offers an unprecedented opportunity for scientific progress that can address our most pressing environmental concerns. As a result, it can also improve our living conditions, according to the recently published report Digital technology and the environment.   Applying digital technologies to environmental data, can make it easier to manage conditions we encounter in our surroundings. Digital […]

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Helping smallholder farmers predict the weather can transform the global food system

The COVID-19 crisis has brought stark focus into the ongoing challenges to global food security from existing food systems. Therefore, how can we ensure we produce enough food for a growing global population, with supply resilient to future shocks? How can we ensure environmental sustainability and healthy nutrition for all? Nature-positive Food Systems for a […]

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SustAInable Climate Actions

According to a recent report[1] from our business partner Capgemini, AI can help enterprises reach up to 45% of the targeted 2-degree limitation of the Paris Climate Agreement.  There are not very many technologies like AI, that span across industries on all levels with the potential to optimize energy usage, reduce wastage, and support complex […]

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