
Prototyping: Getting the design right

(Last of three blog posts in this series) Sketching, wireframing and prototyping Showing is always better than telling. Prototypes enable you to test your idea with the customer and fix issues fast before any code is written. People are more likely to invest time in your idea and provide valuable feedback when you show something […]

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Design the “right it”, before you design “it right”

(Second of three blog posts in this series) In the last post, we introduced UX as a key competence for projects to succeed. This post looks into the value of empathizing with users and how to generate (many) good ideas. Know your users before knowing your solution It is easy to skip UX research in […]

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UX as an integrated practice in innovation projects

(First of three blog posts in this series) In today’s pool of startup companies delivering clean solutions in a fast and agile way, it is important for IBM to deliver tailor-made solutions with great customer experiences to our clients. This means that it is not enough to draw on an old IBM product and paint […]

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Chatbots: The Modern Artificial Intelligence Helper

It can be difficult to keep up with everything that is being published on hyped, futuristic technologies. Nevertheless, the internet sheds light on buzzwords like blockchain, cloud and artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing, as I touched upon in my previous blog. But it’s not all about the future – a majority of the […]

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Quantum Gaming is here – Learnings from the Quantum Game Jam

In February 2019 in Helsinki, we held The Quantum Wheel – Quantum Game Jam. We had 50+ participants around the world and 10 teams finished their games in less than 48 hours. This event really underlined that we are at the very beginning of what promises to be a new era combining games, the gaming […]

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Your digital superpowers are needed – to help your fellow human beings after disaster strikes

You wake up cold and stiff. Your bed is nothing more than a blanket spread across the ground, and the cold morning air chills you to the bone. Your body is stiff and your head is spinning. Your throat is parched and your stomach churns from hunger. Where am I? What do I do now? […]

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VIDEO – Hybrid Cloud Explained

Hybrid Cloud Explained What is hybrid cloud? At a high level, hybrid cloud is simply the combination of public and private cloud environments working together to run your applications or workloads. With the growth of microservices, container-based applications, and orchestration tools like Kubernetes, we’re seeing companies across all industries pressured to take advantage of public clouds. […]

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New partnership gives fintech startups access to tech talents

A new partnership between global tech giant IBM and Copenhagen FinTech will set Danish fintech startups on fast track against the market. The partnership involves several fintech startups that have access to technical competencies within everything from artificial intelligence and cloud solutions to front-end design. For many startups, the biggest challenge is the battle against […]

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Vital tips for the new CIO

In my previous blog post “The Three “I’s” of the new CIO role“, we touched upon three keywords of focus for the new CIO to transform their own roles beyond traditional business, technology and leadership, namely: Ingenuity, initiative, and inspiration. In this blog, three concrete tips for the successful CIO of the future will be […]

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