Elevate Your Data Management Skills with New IBM Storage Scale Courses
In the rapidly evolving world of information technology, staying ahead with the latest knowledge and skills is not just an advantage, it’s a necessity. IBM recognizes this need and is devoted to providing comprehensive learning solutions that cater to the diverse requirements of professionals worldwide. In this spirit, we’re thrilled to announce the release of […]
IBM Training Gets a Makeover
The IBM Training site is in the process of a major overhaul to simplify and modernize the experience for learners. Some of the key goals: Update our design standards to Carbon 11 Simplify our start training experience to reduce the number of site pages and create a more dynamic experience (showing catalog lifecycle more […]
Get skilled in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in under 10 hours
Soft skills are essential to career resilience By 2025, some 85 million jobs may be lost to the emerging division of labor among humans, machines, and algorithms, according to a World Economic Forum report published in 2020, though 97 million more jobs may emerge that are better adapted to the new dynamic. But with the […]
Introducing IBM skill badges on edX
IBM skills are recognized and valued around the world. IBM skill badges on edX are detailed, verifiable, and digital credentials that profile the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired in your course. Badges can be easily shared on your professional profiles and are a great way to let your networks know your latest skills and capabilities. […]
A case study from IBM: NPS
A case study from IBM: The Value of a NPS in Driving a Company’s Bottom Line There is a lot of research from within IBM and also from academic researchers on this subject. I observed that case studies, created by IBM researchers especially, are getting a lot of visibility. For example, articles like the following: […]