
Join our first IBM Training & Skills Twitter Chat!

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We want to engage with our Twitter audience. For many people, Twitter ends up being a one-way communication vehicle: you put ideas and thoughts and interesting facts and resources “out there” and hope that people see it, like it, and re-share it to increase your reach. There are other platforms where a back-and-forth dialogue may be more common than Twitter. We’d like to change that, for an hour, on April 11th.

Please mark your calendars to join us for an IBM Training & Skills Twitter Chat at 12:00 noon US Eastern time on Thursday, April 11th. The focus of our conversation will be “the top skills you need to succeed in the modern workplace”, and your voice is welcomed in that conversation.

We view Twitter chats like an “open house” – where our friends & followers can meet around a common topic for discussion. Come and ask questions. Bring your ideas. Hear new ideas. Engage with us and your colleagues around the world. Tell us which skills you think are the most important to have.

Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ibmtraining

See you on the 11th!
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