
Customer service transformation at Interdiscount and with Salesforce & IBM iX

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Online retail is faced with the challenge of meeting growing customer needs. Today customers expect an attractive digital experience and a perfect customer journey when shopping online. Interdiscount and Microspot, both leading brands of the Swiss Coop cooperative, are aware of that challenge.

As the leading omni-channel retailer for home and consumer electronics in Switzerland, they have therefore decided to modernize their customer service on all channels. In order to create a consistent omni-channel experience, the current system landscape was transitioned into a modern digital platform based on Salesforce Service Cloud.

Interdiscount/Microspot, selected IBM iX as trusted partner for the design and implementation of the Salesforce platform. In an agile work mode, a joint team identified key pain points and worked out an optimized and most valuable approach – all without any physical meetings due to the pandemic. It has led to a big success, to a very satisfied service organization and to a great experience for customers.

You’d like to learn more?

Christian Schmid, Partner Account Manager Salesforce, interviewed Georg Weinhofer, Head of Logistics (COO) Interdiscount/ and Martin Koblet, Associate Partner IBM, about their joint project.

In their conversation, they touch the following:

  • pain points and KPIs for the service organization,
  • which customer services will be needed in the future,
  • taking a closer look at social media in customer communications.

Check out the interview and learn more about IBM’s services for Salesforce

In today’s world Service Centers need to transform themselves to be able to cope with the expectations of customers around personalized experiences as well as being able to deliver those experience across a multitude of channels.

Martin Koblet, IBM

IBM iX DACH Communications

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