How cloud workloads can be privately accessed from your on-premises data center
It may be time to modernize or create new workloads in the cloud, and the IBM Cloud provides a secure, compliant and elastic environment to host your applications. You can create and automate workloads that can be run anywhere with consistency, while only paying for what you use and scaling up or down at any time.
This blog post describes how cloud workloads can be privately accessed from your on-premises data center. The application will be distributed over cloud compute nodes for scalability and across multiple zones in a region for high availability. An IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides high-performance network connectivity to Virtual Server Instances (VSIs) and services. IBM Cloud Load Balancers are used to distribute requests to the instances. The detailed specification for this example is captured in a source code repository and then provisioned at the click of a button using IBM Cloud Schematics:
There is an associated GitHub repository that captures the architecture. This post will walk you through the description of the solution and explain how to provision and test.
TL;DR: You can skip down to the Provision section below to start creating the resources.
Network Load Balancer (NLB)
In a VPC, a load balancer distributes workloads over multiple Virtual Server Instances. There are two types of IBM Cloud Load Balancers for VPC: application load balancers and network load balancers. This post describes the use of a IBM Cloud Network Load Balancer for VPC (or NLB):
The Zone in the diagram is a physically isolated Availability Zone (AZ) within a multi-zone region. Spreading load across all of the zones will provide resiliency, even in the unlikely event of a zone failure.
Global Load Balancer (conceptual)
Conceptually, the architecture is captured in this diagram:
The on-premises network is connected to the IBM Cloud using Direct Link into a Transit Gateway for distribution. The IBM Cloud DNS Service provides Domain Name Services (DNS). A DNS zone is a name like “.widgets.cogs”. The “DNS GLB backend.widgets.cogs” in the diagram is a IBM DNS Services Global Load Balancer with the name “backend” in the DNS zone.
The conceptual diagram above shows traffic flowing through the DNS Global Load Balancer (GLB). A DNS load balancer provides distribution using DNS name resolution. This portion of the Architecture diagram captures the DNS GLB configuration:
There are three pools created in the Terraform snippet below, one for each AZ. The monitor
is the Health Check sent via an interface in the supplied subnet. The health check target is each origins
member — in this example, a single NLB. You can find the full file here:
The GLB “backend” is in the DNS zone “widgets.cogs” is captured in the Terraform snippet below. The az_pools
are capturing the mapping from the requestor’s zone to the corresponding pool, documented as Location policy:
DNS custom resolver locations
The Terraform configuration snippet below shows the custom resolver resources and locations. Notice there is a location in each zone:
Each location will create a DNS resolver that has an IP address in the associated subnet. The on-premises DNS resolver will forward requests to the IBM DNS Service through these IP addresses.
GLB step-by-step
This diagram shows the step by step DNS resolution of the GLB, starting with the on-premises client:
- Client requests the IP address of
to the on-premises DNS resolver. - The DNS Resolver chooses “round robin” from the list of resolver locations.
- The request is forwarded to the selected resolver location.
- The IP address of the NLB in the zone of the location is returned and then provided to the client.
- The client establishes a TCP connection directly to the NLB, which distributes to one of the backend instances in the AZ.
Before continuing, you must satisfy the following prerequisites:
- Permissions to create resources, including VPC and instances, Transit Gateway, DNS Service, etc.
- VPC SSH key
Create the resources using IBM Cloud Schematics:
- Log in to the IBM Cloud.
- Click Schematics Workspaces.
- Click Create workspace to create a new workspace.
- Enter for the GitHub repository.
- Select Terraform version terraform_v1.1.
- Click Next.
- Optionally, change the Workspace details and click Next.
- Click Create.
In the new workspace Settings panel, initialize the variables by clicking the menu selection on the left. You must provide values for the variables that do not have defaults:
Click Apply plan to create the resources. Wait for completion.
Note: A more complete description of the steps below and troubleshooting tips can be found in the GitHub repository.
Gather Schematics workspace output
Open the Cloud Shell or your own terminal with ibmcloud cli, schematics plugin and jq installed (see Getting started):
Example on-prem output:
In a laptop terminal session, ssh to the instance representing on-premises. Then turn off the default DNS resolver and install a simpler CoreDNS resolver configured to forward to the DNS locations provided by the cloud:
Here is an example of the last few lines, including Corefile and start up for CoreDNS. Your output might be a little different:
Create a second ssh session to the on-premises ubuntu instance that is running CoreDNS. Try some dig and curl commands. Finally, leave the curl running in a while loop:
Open the VPC Instances list and stop the zonal instances to see the load get balanced as failures are experienced:
It will take a couple of minutes for the DNS GLB to detect unhealthy origins. If all zonal instances are stopped, there is a fallback dnstlb-test instance that will be used when all of the zonal instances are stopped.
Clean up
Navigate to the the Schematics Workspace and open your workspace:
- Click Actions > Destroy resources.
- Wait for resources to be destroyed.
- Click Actions > Delete workspace.
Summary and next steps
DNS load balancers can be useful resource for constructing a highly available architecture. The IBM DNS Services Global Load Balancer provides zonal and regional distribution of traffic. The IBM Cloud Network Load Balancer for VPC distributes traffic directly to instances with Direct Server Return.
Use the provided GitHub repository as a starting point to create your own application. Choose from the hundreds of IBM Cloud services to simplify your development. If you do not have IBM Direct Link consider using Virtual Private Networking (see VPNs for VPC).
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