June 26, 2017 By Helen Chou 2 min read

IoT Platform Widget Library – Rapidly Build Application User Interface with Real-Time Data

The IoT Widget Library allows developers to rapidly build an user interface for their IoT applications, processing real time data from the physical and simulated devices. This library, written in HTML 5, can be embedded in major UI frameworks, including Angular JS, React/Redux, Polymer, and HTML 5.

This widget library is perfect for developers who are new to UI development – we offer great tools for developers to rapidly build the UI. Developers can not only display gauges, maps, and layouts, but also visualize real-time data in line charts, bar charts, and pie charts.

The widget library offers the following features.

1. Most popular UI components

  •  Gauges

  • Maps

  • Layouts

2. Various data visualization forms

  • Line charts

  • Bar charts

  • Pie charts


3. Pure HTML 5 based widgets

4. Built on open source libraries, such as ibmiotf client library, c3.js, d3.js, floorplan, and open layers

Developers can leverage the open source libraries to extend the sample codes.


We also included the pre-fabricated samples. Are you ready to build an IoT app UI? Check out our widget library.


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