These are some of the most useful tools and resources to guide you in your experience with IBM Cloud DevOps.
Continuous Delivery pipelines are the core of IBM Cloud DevOps toolchains. This page provides you with various tools and scripts to help you create and implement Toolchains, Templates, and Pipelines.
Toolchain templates
- Find more toolchain templates: The open-toolchain repository contains repositories that represent a toolchain template, which follow the Open Toolchain Templates SDK format. Create a new toolchain based on one of these templates by clicking the Create toolchain button found in corresponding README.MD file.
- Extract a template from a toolchain: The toolchain to template utility script enables you to extract and generate a template from your existing toolchain. Follow the instructions in the README and make sure to install the prerequisites.
Continuous Delivery
Classic Pipelines
- Find sample scripts to build and deploy your code: The open-toolchain commons repository contains a scripts directory where you will find sample scripts to build a Docker image, deploy your application to Kubernetes, and much more.
- Duplicate a pipeline: The script enables you to duplicate existing pipelines. Follow the instructions in the README and make sure to install the prerequisites.
- Time–triggered classic pipeline: The script enables you to define time triggers to schedule and automate the execution of your classic pipeline. Follow the instructions in the README and make sure to install the prerequisites.
- Delivery Pipeline Private Worker customized installation: The scripts in private-worker-using-private-registry-image provide you with tools to perform a customized installation of a Delivery Pipeline Private Worker using image(s) pulled from a Private Container Registry. Follow the instructions in the README and make sure to install the prerequisites. You can also see the corresponding IBM Cloud documentation.
Tekton pipelines
- The Open-Toolchain Tekton Catalog provides a set of Tekton Tasks and Pipeline samples that you may re-use in your Continuous Delivery Tekton Pipelines.
- IBM CD Tekton Pipelines Tools and Resources
Below are your one-stop-shop resources regarding Toolchains and Pipelines:
- Toolchains: The Toolchain utilities Github repository.
- Pipelines: The Toolchain commons Github repository.
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