We all need reliable access to clean water. But sometimes, equipment failure, accidents or malicious actions can affect the entire supply at lightning speed.
Case study: “Decision Makers Ltd. brings IT expertise to water utilities”
Family-owned startup Decision Makers Ltd. uses IBM Watson Studio and IBM Watson Machine Learning on IBM Cloud virtual servers to provide water utilities security-rich, accurate, and actionable information about the state of their water networks. The solution is delivered as a service, so customers don’t need to invest in IT infrastructure.
Dr. Eyal Brill, Chief Executive Officer of Decision Makers, Ltd., explains:
“Most of the water utilities around the world are small organizations that do not have an IT infrastructure. They don’t have IT experts. They can’t afford to invest heavily in IT systems.”
“What we tell our customers is that you don’t have to invest anything in servers, you don’t need IT experts. This is our role. We are the experts. We will give you the infrastructure. The only thing that you need to do is send the data to the cloud.”
“One of our biggest customers was very concerned about the safety of the data. We directed them to the IBM Cloud team. All of their questions were answered quickly, and they are now confident that their data is safe on the IBM Cloud.”