IBM aspires to make a lasting, positive impact on the environment, the communities in which we work and live, and business ethics. Explore environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stories that align with our corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals.

How Indigenous perspectives can guide climate innovation for a just transition: IBM teams up with Net Zero Atlantic in Canada

4 min read - The windswept province of Nova Scotia lies on Canada’s Atlantic coast, and comprises part of Mi'kma'ki, the traditional districts of the Mi'kmaq First Nations people. In recent years, Nova Scotia has become a promising site for the clean energy transition, with some of the world’s fastest offshore wind speeds and potential for hydrogen development. But too often, conversations about the impact of energy development in the region do not include Indigenous perspectives or are inaccessible to people outside of the…

How one IBMer is creating a more sustainable future for the island where he grew up

4 min read - IBM believes in the power of technology and innovation to drive climate solutions, especially for the communities and organizations most impacted by climate change and environmental challenges. At the center of this work is also a commitment to volunteerism, allowing inspired IBMers to combine their talent and skills with passion and purpose. Through the IBM Sustainability Accelerator, a pro-bono social impact program, IBM volunteers donate their time, energy and expertise to help create lasting impact in communities around the world.…

Creating a sustainable future with the experts of today and tomorrow

4 min read - When extreme weather strikes, it hits vulnerable populations the hardest. In the current global climate of stronger and more frequent storms, heat waves, droughts and floods, how do we build more positive environmental and social impact? We have a responsibility to apply our technological expertise, resources and ecosystem to help the world become more resilient to these environmental challenges. We need a three-pronged approach to long-term sustainability: preparing the workforce with skills for a greener future; forging strategic cross-sector partnerships;…

AI skills for all: How IBM is helping to close the digital divide

3 min read - AI has inspired millions of people around the world with ideas about what it can make possible. But this technological game changer has also provoked a lot of questions around how it will impact the world of work. Change is happening, and fast. Research from IBM’s Institute for Business Value (IBV) finds that executives estimate about 40% of their workforce will need to reskill over the next three years due to AI and automation. Equipping the workforce with the skills…

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