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Customer-driven digital marketing: Save on costs through operational efficiency in marketing 

2 min read - Even when most parts of a business (such as production or accounting) are already digitalized, marketing often remains more art than science. While the merits of creativity in marketing remain undoubted, efficiency plays a vital role in the complex orchestration of marketing tools and assets. Marketing organizations must explore the processes and procedures enabled by digitalization. They must revisit and question every aspect of their operation to determine if there are ways to leverage technology. CMOs can gain efficiency by…

Decision Support: ESPN Fantasy Football and the power of IBM Watson

2 min read - Life is full of tough decisions. Some are inconsequential (Should I get an ice coffee or a caramel ribbon crunch crème frappuccino?) Others have a profound and lasting impact (Should I apply to law school or pursue my passion for rescuing sea turtles?) When we engage in these internal decision-making dialogues, what we’re really doing is trying to predict the future. Consciously or subconsciously, we make little pros-and-cons lists, weigh the tradeoffs, and make educated guesses about how it will…

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