Announcements, news, and stories of how IBM and its business partners are helping to drive the digital transformation of government.

Child support systems modernization: The time is now

6 min read - The majority of today’s child support systems are dated, first-generation systems that are now more than 25 years old. These systems need modernization to meet the evolving needs of children and families in the 21st century. With more than 20% of families and children supported by these systems, the impact is significant. Today’s constituents are interested in engaging with services using modern, consumer-friendly technologies, platforms and devices. Families also expect interactive experiences that drive outcomes tailored to their needs. The…

UK Government tests frictionless trade models with Ecosystem of Trust pilots

2 min read - The UK government’s Ecosystem of Trust is a potential future border model for frictionless trade, which the UK government committed to pilot testing from October 2022 to March 2023. The pilots made supply chain data directly accessible to the government, used new technologies to preserve goods’ physical integrity and considered how trusted relationships could enable certain controls to be performed by industry rather than the government. IBM Consulting™ and Maersk led a consortium that included Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe, Maritime…

Human-centered design and data-driven insights elevate precision in government IT modernization

8 min read - Government agencies are under pressure to close the gap between the needs and expectations of their residents and the level of services that government IT systems can realistically support. When substantial investments of taxpayers’ money are allocated toward IT modernization, agencies are mandated by local legislature and judiciary to deliver meaningful improvements. Government executives face several uncertainties as they embark on their journeys of modernization. The bulk of these uncertainties do not revolve around what software package to pick or…

Tech is evolving, so must the ecosystem

2 min read - Federal government leaders are asking questions such as, are we ready for quantum? Are we integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and automation effectively while protecting privacy and IP? These challenges are real, and the answer is, not fast enough. As we have asserted over the last year, our government’s challenges are systemic. Systems problems require industry to work together, differently. IBM’s ecosystem approach is designed with this in mind and built to proactively integrate on behalf of federal agency missions, respond…

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