IBM Planning Analytics category

Building a culture of data-driven decisions and insights with IBM Business Analytics

3 min read - Organizations are managing and analyzing large datasets every day, but many still need the right tools to generate data-driven insights. Even more, organizations need the ability to bring data insights to the right users to make faster, more effective business decisions amid unpredictable market changes. Meeting business goals with data insights By building on our existing portfolio of business intelligence (BI) and planning analysis solutions, our clients are transcending manual and siloed analysis processes to optimize financial targets, sales goals,…

How Newcomp Analytics partners with IBM to advance clients’ supply chain insights

3 min read - When Newcomp Analytics started working with chocolatier Lindt Canada more than 15 years ago to support their supply chain, Lindt had no full-time IT personnel for analytics. Lindt now has a team of 10, including a business intelligence (BI) manager and BI developer analysts. Yet Newcomp continues to be an essential and trusted partner, helping the company keep up with the high volume of analytics solutions it needs to address. “Newcomp has a track record of delivering with no surprises,”…

Empower your organizations to make smart workforce decisions

3 min read - Over the past few years, the workforce has evolved more than ever. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.25 million people quit their jobs in Jan. 2022, up from 3.3 million in Jan. 2021. And a 2021 report by the Society for Human Resource Management shows more than 40% of U.S. workers are actively seeking a new job or plan to do so soon. To stay resilient in these changing times and be ready for the future, it’s…

How IBM Planning Analytics can help fix your supply chain

3 min read - IBM Planning Analytics, or TM1 as it used to be known, has always been a powerful upgrade from spreadsheets for all kinds of planning and reporting use cases, including financial planning and analysis (FP&A), sales & operations planning (S&OP), and many aspects of supply chain planning (SCP). As far back as the 1990s and early 2000s there were companies, like the one discussed in this podcast episode, that took advantage of TM1’s power to support full integration of their financial…

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