Environment category

How to embed sustainability excellence into your organization

3 min read - Sustainability is quickly becoming a central focus for large public institutions. In order to remain competitive and attract investors, executive management teams are increasing focus on their ESG disclosures, reviewing strategies to reduce carbon emissions and looking to embed sustainability into their organization to achieve lasting results. Leading organizations are pledging to achieve net-zero and science-based targets, increasing their green power purchases and seeking to reduce emissions from building operations. However, many organizations still face significant barriers to reaching their full potential. The…

ESG data is more important now than ever

2 min read - Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is finally reaching prominence in corporate and public life. Too often and too long a peripheral concern of corporate executive teams and boards, the tide turned earlier this year when CEO and Founder of Blackrock Larry Fink announced in his annual letter to CEOs that BlackRock would “place sustainability at the center of how we invest.” His announcement signaled a fundamental shift in capital markets and, along with it, an end to the days where sustainability…

Data lakes and analytics: powerful alone, but better together

< 1 min read - Data lakes are designed to hold, process and facilitate limited analysis on data. So why, you might ask, does a company need both a data lake and analytics platform for sustainability and energy data? Companies are expanding their data management infrastructures both massively and quickly, which has led some companies to create their own data lake. A data lake is a centralized repository that brings in business performance data from a variety of sources to an internally hosted database in…

9 tips to manage your sustainability reporting process

4 min read - Managing the reporting and assurance process for your company’s ESG outcomes is difficult at the best of times. But you can simplify your sustainability reporting process by following a number of key points. 2019 marked an important milestone as the world announced a clear intent to move to a low-carbon economy. Moving forward, governments, institutions and businesses will have to address how they manage this transition in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of their businesses. As a result, reporting…

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