IDC predicts that, by 2024, enterprises powered by AI will be able to respond to customers, competitors, regulators, and partners 50% faster than those that aren’t using AI.
If you saw the press release, you know we are acquiring a robotic process automation (RPA) provider based in Brazil, named WDG SOLUÇÕES EM SISTEMAS E AUTOMAÇÃO DE PROCESSOS LTDA (hereinafter referred to as “WDG Automation”).* This acquisition is intended to strengthen our AI-infused automation platform—making it one of the most fully-equipped platforms for CIOs and COOs looking to quickly transform and standardize business and IT operations for growth, efficiency, and resiliency.
Our plan is to bring WDG Automation’s RPA and AI-driven, omni-channel chatbot capabilities to two areas where enterprises have critical automation needs: transforming business processes and managing IT operations.
Ultimately, the plan is to include RPA capabilities across the IBM Cloud Pak® family, starting with IBM Cloud Pak® for Automation for business processes and IBM Cloud Pak® for Multicloud Management for IT operations.