We are excited to announce that PostgreSQL version 13 support is now available on IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS.
Now, you can provision Hyper Protect DBaaS for PostgreSQL service instances with PostgreSQL 13 in Dallas, Washington D.C., Sydney and Frankfurt. You can leverage PostgreSQL features like SQL stored procedures with this version.
PostgreSQL 13 is the default database version whether you provision in the IBM Cloud web UI or from the CLI. You can still choose to provision PostgreSQL 10 by specifying the database version parameter as 10, but you should be aware that this version will reach end-of-life soon.
Go to the IBM Cloud Catalog to try out the 30-day free plan for Hyper Protect DBaaS for PostgreSQL.
About IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS
IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS offers secure enterprise database environments for your sensitive data. It currently supports two database types – PostgreSQL and MongoDB Enterprise.
Hyper Protect DBaaS implements security protections at all levels, including workload isolation and runtime protection, data encryption (Keep Your Own Key) and identity and administration access control. In addition to several common certifications, DBaaS is also financial-services validated. For more information about how it protects your data, see Securing your data in Hyper Protect DBaaS for MongoDB or Securing your data in Hyper Protect DBaaS for PostgreSQL.
Get started with IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS
Go to the IBM Cloud Catalog to try out the 30-day free plan for Hyper Protect DBaaS. You can choose between two database options:
Check out the Getting Started video to get a general idea about how to get started with the service. For detailed steps, see the Hyper Protect DBaaS for PostgreSQL documentation or the Hyper Protect DBaaS for MongoDB documentation.