We are excited to announce the availability of OpenShift version 4.5 for your clusters that are running in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.
With our fully managed OpenShift service, you can easily upgrade your clusters without the need for deep OpenShift knowledge. When you deploy new clusters, the default OpenShift version remains 4.4; you can also choose to immediately deploy version 4.5. Learn more about deploying clusters here.
OpenShift version 4.5
In addition to all the great OpenShift features provided in this release, Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version 4.5 also includes updates to Calico, several improvements to the key management service (KMS) provider and the cloud provider load balancers, enhanced control plane availability during cluster master operations, and a new custom cluster metrics provider. See the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version 4.5 changelog for details.
OpenShift support and updates
Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud now supports the latest three versions of OpenShift: 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5. Clusters running version 4.3 are now deprecated and will tentatively be unsupported in February 2021. Clusters running version 3.11 are already deprecated.
It is important to note clusters that run deprecated OpenShift versions may not receive fixes for security vulnerabilities. Review the potential impacts and migrate or upgrade your clusters today.
Getting started
Step-by-step instructions
- Log into IBM Cloud.
- Open the Catalog and search for “OpenShift”:
- In the OpenShift version dropdown, select 4.5:
- Under Select an environment, choose VPC infrastructure. Now you will see your existing Virtual Private Cloud instances. Configure the cluster name, tags, and geography as normal. You will also see the existing subnets created under your VPC instance:
- Select the worker node flavors for your default pool and the number of nodes per zone, then click Create cluster and get ready to use the OpenShift Service on VPC:
- Keep playing with your managed OpenShift cluster by deploying a starter kit app.
Join the discussion
For general questions, engage our team via Slack by registering here and join the discussion in the #general or #openshift channels on https://ibm-cloud-success.slack.com/.