June 16, 2014 By Richard Johnson < 1 min read

Introducing mybluemix.net, the new domain for your application

We’re excited to announce a new domain for all of our user applications: mybluemix.net. This isn’t just a cosmetic change either. The new domain will help isolate Bluemix core components from the applications you have running on the platform. Going forward, [yourapp].mybluemix.net will be the default domain for any new applications that you create in Bluemix.

Here’s a quick look at how we’re planning to roll out the change and what you need to do in order to get ready:

  • 17 June: By this date, existing applications will automatically get an additional route with the new mybluemix.net domain.

  • 17 June to 26 June: This is a grace period for transition. Applications will be available at their current domain as well as [yourapp].mybluemix.net. During this time, you should update URLs, app references, and bookmarks to the new domain. New applications created during this time will still default to the old ng.bluemix.net domain, and on a daily basis will automatically get an additional route with the new mybluemix.net domain.

  • 23 June: The mybluemix.net domain becomes the default domain for all new Bluemix user applications.

  • 26 June: The old ng.bluemix.net domain will be unavailable to Bluemix user applications, and existing routes using the old domain ng.bluemix.net will be removed from the system. User applications will use the new mybluemix.net domain from this date onwards.

Have questions about the change? Reach out to us at the IBM Bluemix Developers Community forum.

-The Bluemix Team 

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