April 21, 2020 By Roger Rea 2 min read

The End of Support date for all plans for the Washington DC region is May 21, 2020.

What is IBM Streaming Analytics?

IBM Streaming Analytics for IBM Cloud is an advanced analytic platform based on IBM Streams allowing user-developed applications to quickly ingest, analyze, and correlate information as it arrives from a wide variety of real-time data sources. Analysis of structured and unstructured streaming data like text, video, audio, geospatial, and sensor data helps organizations spot opportunities and risks to make decisions in near real-time.

Feature changes in Washington

Streaming Analytics services and plans are currently available in Dallas, London, and Frankfurt. This change affects only the Washington DC region, which had previously announced the End of Market, effective December 12, 2019. All other regions are unaffected by this change.

This notice is to announce that the End of Support date for all plans in the Washington DC region on May 21, 2020.

As of that date, users will no longer be able to access instances of Streaming Analytics in the Washington DC region. Users with existing instance can move them to Streaming Analytics services in other regions.

Getting started with IBM Streaming Analytics

To get started with services in any region:

  1. Visit the Streaming Analytics page in the IBM Cloud catalog and create a Streams instance.
  2. Run one of our Sample Applications, or develop and run your own Streams app by following our Streaming Analytics Development Guide.
  3. To estimate costs for your workload, use the cost calculator and select your country for local currency rates.

How to move to a new instance of Streaming Analytics

Replace your instance

Development of Streams applications

  • Watson Studio:
    • Python Notebook: Replace the Streams service associated with your Project. Rerun the notebook to build and submit the job.
    • Streams flows: Replace the Streams service associated with your Project. Resubmit the flow to build and submit the job.
  • Local development using Streams Studio:
    • Optionally recompile your applications.
    • See the Development Guide for more information on setting up a new development environment.
  • Local development using Atom or VSCode:

Manage your instance

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