We are excited to announce the expansion of the following services into the IBM Cloud regions of Sydney, London, and Washington D.C.
Databases for ElasticsearchDatabases for etcdDatabases for PostgreSQLDatabases for RedisMessages for RabbitMQ
These data services also now send metrics to the IBM Cloud Monitoring service so that clients can review their database consumption graphically over time or build production alerting systems around resource usage.
The benefits of using IBM Cloud Databases
IBM Cloud Databases is the next generation of IBM Compose, we recommend that clients using Compose begin assessing and executing migrations to the analogous services. Benefits of switching to the new service include the following:
Lower prices and serverless scaling of Disk and RAM
Integration with IBM Cloud through Identity and Access Management, Resource Groups, Activity Tracker, and Monitoring
HIPAA-ready for Healthcare workloads
Bring your own disk encryption key through IBM Key Protect
As part of this launch, the Compose catalog tiles will now be grouped within the IBM Cloud Databases product pages. There are no other changes to Compose at this time other than the discovery user experience.
Introducing metrics
Users now have the ability to receive IBM Cloud Databases metrics for Disk and RAM consumption over time. The table below shows you where to provision an IBM Monitoring instance depending on where your database is deployed.
What is the IBM Cloud Databases portfolio?
These database-as-a-service products are fully managed, highly available, and built from the ground up with enterprise security in mind. All databases come with serverless scaling, backup orchestration, and bring-your-own-encryption-key integrations for data at rest.
To protect your application against single data center outages, we are deploying in a Multi-AZ architecture across three data centers in Sydney, London, and Washington D.C. with a 99.95% Uptime SLA. All backups are sent to IBM Cloud Object Storage’s Cross-Regional Service to ensure business continuity while maintaining compliance and data residency requirements.
Head on over to the databases section of the IBM Cloud Catalog and get started!