Dedicated Compute provides isolation and performance for demanding workloads.
With the IBM Cloud Databases portfolio, we offer a suite of databases technologies with a common cost structure, operating model, and API. All these services make it significantly easier to build with applications on the IBM Cloud by freeing your team up from learning, deploying, and maintaining a range of databases. Our services provide out-of-the-box enterprise security, high availability, online scaling, and automatic backups.
What’s new?
Today, we are announcing the availability of Dedicated Compute.* At provision time, you can choose to allocate Virtual Processor Cores (vCPUs) to your database deployment. Designating vCPUs to your database deployment will introduce hypervisor-level isolation to your database instance, ensuring your data processing and RAM remain separated from other customers. It also provides a guaranteed amount of Cores (or compute) to your database deployment.
Selecting to purchase Dedicated Cores also improves quality of service by mitigating the “noisy-neighbor” effect. vCPUs are optional, whereas Disk and RAM are mandatory for IBM Cloud Databases. If you choose not to purchase Dedicated Compute, your databases will be placed on multi-tenant environments.
How to provision and budget for Dedicated Compute
At provisioning time, you can select Shared CPU or a specific amount of cores. Deployments will default to Shared CPU unless otherwise specified.
Dedicated Compute for PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, and etcd will cost $30/vCPU per data member. You will be able to scale from 3-30 cores independent of your Disk and RAM allocation. Under the covers, purchasing these cores assigns a guaranteed minimum amount of Cores dedicated to your database.
Pricing Example
A Databases for PostgreSQL instance has two data members. Provisioning a deployment of 100GB of Disk, 10GB of RAM, and 4 Cores would cost:
100GB*$.58 GB-Disk/Month *2 = $116/month
10GB*$5 GB-RAM/Month*2 = $100/month
4 Cores *$30 vCPU/Month *2 = $240/month
Total = $456/month
All databases are billed at the high watermark of the hour, allowing for dynamic configuration of the database to meet changing application requirements. Scaling Disk, RAM, or Cores does not require a maintenance window and is an online event. All metrics can be scaled independently, giving you maximum control over your database usage.
Interested? Get Started with IBM Cloud Databases.
*Dedicated Cores on Databases for MongoDB will be released at a later point in time.