Experience the new guided tours that are available to help you learn more about IBM Cloud.
Guided tours, powered by WalkMe, are now available in the IBM Cloud platform. The first set of platform tours that we are releasing focus on helping you navigate and get oriented with the IBM Cloud console.
A welcome message now appears for new users where you have an option to start a guided tour:
If you are an existing IBM Cloud user, you can access the guided tours by going to your avatar icon in the header and then clicking on Guided tours. The guided tours menu lists the tours available for you to view:
All tours are also available in the nine languages that the IBM Cloud console supports. Use the language switcher in the bottom of the menu to pick your language of choice.
The following are our first set of guided tours available today
- Navigating the console: This tour guides you through the main IBM Cloud console pages, giving you a quick summary of what the page is used for along the way. You will explore pages like the Catalog, Resource list, Dashboard, and more.
- Managing your account: This tour dives into where you can manage your account setting, resource groups, tags, and more. This tour is available for paid accounts only.
- Understanding your billing and usage: This tour gives you hints on what to expect and where to navigate to understand how IBM charges. This tour is available for paid accounts only.
- Inviting new users to your account: As you create a new account, you’ll want to know how to invite team members to start collaborating with you. This tour guides you through an interactive, step-by-step flow to invite users and set up the right access for those users in your account. This tour is available for the account owner only.
Want more?
We expect the list of guided tours to grow in the near future, including highlighting new features on the IBM Cloud platform. So, open the Guided tours menu from time-to-time to check out what’s new.
Let us know what you think by using the Feedback button that’s available on any page in the IBM Cloud console.