October 18, 2017 By Shadi Albouyeh 2 min read

Docker EE Comes to IBM Cloud

Today, IBM and Docker announced plans to deliver Docker for IBM Cloud a joint solution offering from IBM and Docker Inc. available as a beta in 4Q 2017.

Docker for IBM Cloud will enable customers using the Docker stack to move existing apps to the cloud in order to increase efficiency, improve portability, and enable better security. By leveraging the best technology and services portfolio available via Bluemix, IBM’s cloud platform, they will also be able to extend those existing apps with new capabilities and user experiences without touching any code.

The two companies have been intertwined for several years, dating back to December 2014 when IBM became the first enterprise company to form a strategic partnership with Docker Inc.. This partnership has enabled enterprises to build and run next generation apps on Bluemix and on-prem via the Docker platform.

With Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) both developers and IT operations teams can manage, secure, deploy, and scale their Docker container-based apps using IBM® Cloud Schematics, an automation tool that uses Terraform to deploy your infrastructure as code, to do it. Schematics provides a template library of infrastructure building blocks that are composed of IBM cloud services and are deployable and reusable.

Additionally, Docker for IBM Cloud integrates with key IBM Cloud services including Logging and Monitoring, which aggregates log and metric data from the Swarm cluster. The Docker for IBM Cloud also provides shared Docker volume support with an IBM Cloud File Storage volume that is provisioned per cluster and shared across each manager node that will store the Infrakit group data, the infrastructure credentials, and the Docker certs. Block Storage volume will be provisioned per manager node to store the /var/lib/docker data. You can also integrate your Docker for IBM Cloud Swarm cluster with IBM Identity and Access Manager (IAM) to provide fine-grained control to cluster resources.

Bluemix delivers over 130 services which are available to construct and enrich your app, including Watson, analytics, blockchain, IOT,  a highly scalable Kubernetes container service, Cloud Foundry, VMs, and more. Check out the entire catalog here.

This solution essentially takes the best of Docker and IBM technology and services portfolio to allow migrating and managing Docker based applications on IBM’s Cloud platform in an integrated, certified, and supported way.


If you are at DockerCon EU 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark, come visit us to learn how to achieve the benefits of agility, operational efficiency, and portability to help you build your next great application.

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