Bluemix Developer Console – BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern
Hello Bluemix Users,
The Bluemix Developer Console, an evolution of the Bluemix Mobile Dashboard, will follow a pattern based approach to building cloud native applications. The patterns will include but not limited to Mobile, Web, BFF( Backend for Frontend ) and Microservices. Each pattern will have a set of starters that a developer can use to get started. In this blog we will take a look at the BFF Pattern.
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When to use the BFF Pattern ?
A BFF Pattern can be used to create backends for client facing apps be it mobile or web. BFF’s can help support an application with multiple clients while at the same time moving the system into a less-coupled state than a monolith system. This pattern helps dev teams interate features faster and have control over the backends for mobile apps without affecting the experience for a corresponding web app.
A developer can select a basic or a mobile backend starter. The mobile backend comes with a Swagger based Open API definition that can be used for business logic. Once the code is generated for the BFF Pattern, a developer can use the cloud-native plugin in the Bluemix CLI to run the backend in a local container.
Supported Languages
The following languages will be supported for backend creation.
Java (Coming Soon)
Consuming Bluemix Services
The BFF pattern also lets a developer to optionally include Bluemix services to add authentication and consume data.
App ID – Add Authentication to apps
Cloudant – Use a NoSQL Database
Object Storage – Store and retrieve binary data using a cloud based object storage service