Blockchain for Digital Identity and Credentials
Identification and credentials are easier for everyone to work with when they’re digital: vaccination cards, academic qualifications, occupational licenses, employee ID and more. But this highly personal information must remain private and secure.
Governments, businesses and educational institutions are turning to blockchain as a proven way to enable a secure and trusted infrastructure and improve services.
With blockchain technology, information about identity is auditable, traceable and verifiable — in just seconds. Individuals can curate their own profiles and control data sharing. Issuers easily connect with others and provide nearly instant verification of credentials. All participants are empowered by a platform anchored in trust.
The blockchain-based platform handles the infrastructure and security without exposing any of the data used to generate credentials. Only permissioned network participants have access, and all actions and business processes are tamperproof and permanently captured as blockchain transactions.
Built on the guiding principles of open standards and interoperability, IBM’s ready-to-use blockchain-based offerings work with credentialling solutions around the world. This simplifies credential sharing, and builds the trust chain from wallet to wallet and to enterprise systems. Create a solution or join an existing network. Customize the network using the tools of your choice.
Work with IBM to leverage this secure and trusted blockchain-based platform to build the unique capabilities you need to issue, manage and verify digital credentials. IBM Digital Credentials provides individuals and organizations with a security-rich hub for credentials accumulated over a lifetime.
You need more than a great idea to achieve blockchain success. Learn how you can tap into outcome-driven network design principles to transform business processes and improve services with digital credentials.
“Fragile” online identities are an avoidable problem. Hear a discussion on fraud prevention, verifiable forms of ID, and blockchain use cases.
Studies, events, interactives, and webinars to help you learn more about blockchain and get the most out of your blockchain investment.
Be inspired by innovators transforming their businesses with blockchain. You can join an existing blockchain network or work with us to create your own.